Sunday, 17th May; Monday, 25th May; Sunday 31st May, 1942.

3 postcards.

Dear Dot,

A few lines thanking you and mum for your letters of 13th and 5th April respectively.  I have just answered 2 letters from Bill & Anne, they do seem to have enjoyed themselves.  Is the wedding group photo on the way? Burt is also waiting to see it.  Tell mother another pullover and pyjamas will be very acceptable. 
I am very well, love to Mum & Dad & you.


My dear Mother & Father,

I have received no letters from you this week, so am saving my letter card until next week, hence this week the postcard.  Today is Whit Monday, and tomorrow I commence my third year as a POW.  
The sun is now really beginning to shine; of course my thoughts this week have been at Thurstaston. 
 My health couldn't be better, love to you both, Dot and Mr & Mrs Evans.


My dear Mother & Father,

Another few lines hoping they find you, as they leave me, in the very best of health.  I received no letters from you this week so will save my letter until next week.  We are now receiving mail from England dated 10th May so I am expecting quite a few from you next week.
Enjoying very hot weather.
Love to Dot and yourselves.


During May 1942

On the Eastern Front... Marshal Timoshenko's offensive is halted east of Kharkov by forces of the
German 1st Panzer and 17th Armies (Group Kleist).

In Germany... The battle cruiser Prinz Eugen arrives at Kiel.

In Burma... The Chinese 6th Army in retreat is pursued by the Japanese across the Salween towards for Kengtung.

In the Occupied Soviet Union... Before Moscow, the Germans launch a major anti-partisan offensive, Operation Hanover, to clear the Bryansk-Vyazma railway. For six days, 45,000 German and allied troops search for an estimated 20,000 partisans. Many partisans and civilians are captured and killed.

In India... General Stilwell arrives in Delhi after a 140 mile retreat through the Burma jungle. In a press interview he is quoted say: "I claim we got a hell of a beating. We got run out of Burma and it is as humiliating as hell. I think we ought to find out what caused it, go back and re-take it."

In the United States... When the Royal Canadian Air Force's 115th Fighter Squadron lands at Alaska's Annette Island, a US Customs officer refuses to let the pilots out of their planes until they pay duty on their arms and equipment. It takes a message from Secretary of State Cordell Hull granting the Canadians Distinguished Foreign Visitor status to end this idiocy.

In North Africa... The embattled British 150th Brigade is overrun by forces of the Afrika Korps in the course of the battle over the following day. This victory opens the Axis supply lines.

From the United States... In an attempt to reinforce the Pacific Fleet, battleships Colorado andMaryland sail from San Francisco.

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