Sunday, 5th July 1942,

My dear Mother,

In the hope that these few lines arrive on or around your birthday I address this letter to you alone in order to wish you very many happy returns of the day and a very happy birthday.  Some weeks ago I filled in a form which authorised my Paymaster to credit you with £10.  Have you received this yet?  It is meant as a small gesture of appreciation for all the things you have done for me, and for all the things you would do if you were allowed.  The one condition that I make is that you spend this money on yourself, although it won't go far these days, nevertheless I hope it buys a little extra comfort and enjoyment to you.  

While I am talking about money, would you be good enough and write to the Regimental Paymaster, c/o RHQ, giving my regimental number, rank and name and ask him (a) How much money I have to my credit up to the end of this month, and (b) my daily rate of pay, this information will be given to you on demand.  I should have a nice little nest egg by now which ought to come in useful when all this is over. 

I am writing to Dot by this post, so will close now wishing you and Dad the very best of health and happiness.


On this day,

On the Eastern Front... German General Hoth's 4th Panzer Army reach the Don River near Voronezh. To their left, General Weich's 2nd Army makes progress against the Soviet defenders.

In the Arctic... Without defensive escorts 13 vessels from the British convoy PQ-17 are sunk by Luftwaffe and U-boat attacks. The German heavy ships approach, but return to port when their presence is made unnecessary by the success of the air and submarine attacks. The sister convoy QP-17 sails into an Allied minefield in the Denmark Straits and loses 4 ships.

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