Sunday, 2nd May 1943

My dear Dorothy,

Your letter of 4th April arrived some days ago, I will therefore attempt to answer both.  I say attempt because I just don't know what to say about your forthcoming marriage, it certainly took me by surprise to say the least and what Mum & Dad will say goodness only knows.  Still I don't expect it matters much nowadays what parents care to say.  It would be easier if I had seen Ken - even a photograph.  You must remember that when I saw you last you had piratically just left school (I hope this isn't making you mad) and started work, since then (almost to the day) three long, weary years have past and then suddenly you say you are getting married!

Why I am writing in this strain I can't say, I have just re-read what I have written and apparently I am taking your forthcoming marriage more serious that you do yourself - because the two occasions on which you have mentioned it the words are just tucked away in a corner as though you are mentioning the fact that you have a cold!

As I said in the beginning I have not seen Ken - if you approve of him that's good enough for me - it's all very bewildering though,  I had better post this before I destroy it.  I am very happy, not half as bad as this letter sounds. 



On this day:

Over Occupied France... British Mosquito bombers raid the railway yards at Thionville in Lorraine.

Over Britain... German Dornier bombers lay mines off the estuaries of Thames and Humber.

In the Baltic... The German transport liner Gneisenau is sunk by a British mine laid by RAF aircraft.

About 3 weeks ago, myself and my husband travelled to The Wirral to visit Dorothy and hand over the first half of these letters.  I had checked with her that she would want to read them through and that she wouldn't find it too distressing and she was keen to do so.  She has since told me on the phone that she is working her way through them.  I am happy that she is seeing them and seeing Dad's handwriting and that these are not just sitting somewhere gathering dust.  Once I have reached then end of the letters, I will send them to her, they will then not be far from there original destination back in the 1940's.


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