Tuesday, 19th November 1940

My dear Mother and Father,

Once again a few lines to let you know that all is well and that I am in the best of health.  The only trouble so far has been toothache, but I went to a dentist last week and had the tooth extracted so I am now alright.

Up to now I have not heard a thing from you since I was home last Whit; however some of my friends here have lately received letters from home, so I am hoping now that there [are] plenty for me on the way and that I will soon be receiving them.  It will certainly be a red letter day for me when they do arrive.

My hobby here is learning German and believe me I am becoming very efficient, you can rest assured I am not wasting my time here, and incidentally I find the time to pass very quickly.  Bert Duffy is about somewhere though I've not seen him yet, also plenty of chaps from our district are here so I have plenty of friends.

I don't know how long it will take for this letter to reach home so I had better include Xmas greetings, give my regards to all friends and relations, love to Dorothy and Bill, and now don't forget no worrying.  Goodbye until I write again.  

Your loving son Arthur.


Greeks advancing in Albania
In the Balkans... The Greeks claim to have driven the Italians back behind the Kalamas River. There is heavy fighting near Koritsa.

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